Donald MacDonald
Funeral Directors Since 1964
Donald MacDonald Funeral Directors Ltd
Lorne Street Funeral Parlourrs
17 Lorne Street
Argyll, PA31 8LU
Tel. 01546 602226
Your Choice Of Funeral
We are able to offer a wide variety of funeral services here in Mid Argyll. We can assist you with the Purchase of a Grave in the local Cemeteries, or arrange for a service at any of the Crematorium's available in Scotland. At present, the most local Crematorium to Lochgilphead, is Cardross Crematorium, run by Argyll and Bute Council.
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living" Marcus Tulliuis Cicaro
Funeral Services
Burial or Cremation
Woodland Burials
Interment of Ashes
Memorial Services
Alternative Funerals
Please enquire for more details
New Memorials
Restoration Works to Existing Memorials
Adding of new inscriptions
Service available to deal with all newspapers on behalf of the Family. National and Local Papers
Death Certificates
Assistance given with Death Registration.
New legislation in Scotland from May 2015
Conducting a Funeral
Religious Services - all denominations offered
Humanist - Non Religious Celebrant
Preacher / Speaker